It’s the Ideas That Matter.
IMS Advertising is a team of talented and resolute marketing professionals who give their all for each client we collectively serve.
We’re designers, copywriters, web developers, web marketing specialists, market research pros, social media gurus…we’re a lot of things. And always the right mix to help you achieve success in your marketing endeavors.
At the beginning and end of the day, we’re just plain folks who genuinely care not just about our clients, but each other. It’s a rare enough quality we felt worth mentioning.

32 Years and Counting
We’ve been around long enough that web marketing was barely even a “thing” when we landed our first client. Long enough that printing companies still had reps who came to see you for various reasons, including getting you to sign off on “blues.” Long enough that we still showed up for new business appointments with portfolio cases stuffed with mounted examples of our work.
Those and lots of other relics of a previous era are gone, but we’re still here. IMS Advertising. Just as we will be when technology takes another turn towards the future.
After all, it’s the tools we use that matter. It’s the ideas we generate.
More of What You Need
IMS Advertising offers a diverse set of tools for successful new-customer marketing, customer retention, and ongoing customer engagement.