Direct Mail

Aiming Blindly or Shooting Straight?

How many new customers do you have because they saw one of your trucks, talked to you at a trade show, know someone you did work for, or drove by a billboard with your ad on it?

Difficult to say, right? Well, direct mail makes it easier for you to:

  • Reach key prospects at home or their place of business
  • Invite previous customers to come back
  • Reward frequent customers for their loyalty
  • Welcome families into their new homes and neighborhoods
  • Test one offer against another
  • Introduce a new service or product line to interested buyers
  • And truly so much more

There are far too many reasons for you to make direct mail part of your company’s marketing program strategy to include on this page but call or reach out by email and we’ll explain how direct mail can help meet your company’s sales and marketing goals.

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What to Expect from IMS Advertising

From running list counts to creative development, printing, mailing services, coordinating fulfillment efforts, and all the rest, IMS Advertising not only can make direct mail a major profit reaper for your business, but do all the work to pull it off. And that goes for:

  • Post cards
  • Letter packages
  • Newsletters
  • New resident programs
  • Radius marketing
  • Dimensional mailers

Contact us today to discover all the ways direct mail can work for you.

More of What You Need

IMS Advertising offers a diverse set of tools for successful new-customer marketing, customer retention, and ongoing customer engagement.

Web Marketing

Websites that tell your story to your target customers and prospects.

Media Advertising

Build awareness of your brand and watch your leads and sales grow. Advertising builds personalities, too.

Sales Literature

Marketing Literature

Differentiate your products and services with marketing handouts. Also a great way to generate add-on sales.


Build customer loyalty, keep them informed, engage in market segmentation…all with e-marketing.


A brand consists of four distinct elements. Does yours? If not, there’s more work to be done.

Market Research

Market Research

Be sure of the need – and who has it – before trying to fill it. And that’s just for starters.