Ultimately, It’s All About the Written Word.
If you’re so well branded that all you need to display is a swoosh to sell product, you’re extremely well branded, and you’re Nike. But even Nike needs more than the swoosh to introduce new technologies for their sneakers, a new line of sports equipment, or anything else the swoosh alone can’t bring to mind.
Which is why there is no more powerful marketing tool than content. And we, dare we say it, are more than pretty good at content development.

Web Content Development | Blog Writing
For words that form pictures by themselves, words that search engines long to discover, and words that loosen up the grip on a checkbook, you’ve come to the write place. Here are several areas in which our content writing shines brightly:
- Website content
- Blog content
- Direct mail content
- Sales literature content
- Radio commercial scripts
- Press releases
- Feature stories
- Print newsletters
- E-Newsletters
So, grab a pen and jot this down: “For the best content in town – copy that cuts through the clutter – contact IMS Advertising today.” That goes for copywriting alone, or in combination with design, printing, direct mail distribution, and more.