Areas Served

Have Talent, Will Travel.

Stick a pin in the map of the Continental United States, and you’re likely to land on or near the home of a current or former client of ours. Within our niche market of plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and home remodeling contractors, we’ve also served clients in Canada, Australia, and the Cayman Islands.

Still, a company has to be located somewhere, and for IMS Advertising, that somewhere is Central CT. Here, we’ve served – with pride and pleasure – the biggest insurance companies, the smallest service and retail establishments, and all kinds of great client types in between…including the former, and still beloved, Hartford Whalers.

To the Core of the Matter

Today, like always, IMS Advertising can provide everything from a coordinated mix of marketing services to individual project work. We offer you skill and talent to spare, proven results, and fresh, innovative thinking.

Perhaps more than anything, we see ourselves as consummate problem solvers. That involves getting to the core of every sales and marketing challenge, knowing what can go right and wrong, and how to ensure maximum return on investment.

We hope to bring that kind of disciplined thinking to bear on your behalf, too, in locations like those you see below or wherever your organization calls home:

More of What You Need

IMS Advertising offers a diverse set of tools for successful new-customer marketing, customer retention, and ongoing customer engagement.

Web Marketing

The right website effectively optimized to reach and influence key decision makers…just how it should be.

Media Advertising

Build awareness of your brand and watch your leads and sales grow. Advertising builds personalities, too.

Sales Literature

Marketing Literature

Differentiate your products and services with marketing handouts. Also a great way to generate add-on sales.


Build customer loyalty, keep them informed, engage in market segmentation…all with e-marketing.


A brand consists of four distinct elements. Does yours? If not, there’s more work to be done.

Market Research

Market Research

Be sure of the need – and who has it – before trying to fill it. And that’s just for starters.